Xunah Kaab´ is a tourist place located in San Juan La Laguna, Sololá, Cantón Tzanjay, where the Stingless Bee, also known as Native Bee, is conserved, preserved and investigated.

Xunah Kaab ', means Flower Honey, is a family business, who are the third generation of beekeepers and who have been working with bees from generation to generation. Xunah Kaab 'started since 2016 with the effort to help save stingless bees. These bees are a native population that has been working since the time of the Mayans, but they are in danger of extinction. Xunah Kaab 'currently has 40 boxes of 5 different species of stingless bees, it also has a hotel for solitary bees, orchid bees, the largest that exists in Guatemala.


"We are an institution that ensures the conservation of bees, the environment, through beekeeping and meliponiculture, the transformation and sale of organic products resulting from these activities, in addition to educating the population through tourism."


"To be an institution recognized for its work and effort in the conservation and research of bees and the environment, also for its diversity of organic products made from bee products."

Business values

  • ✔ Passion:We like our work, that is why we put all our effort into each of the activities and aspects of our work.
  • ✔ Honesty: We are transparent in every aspect of our institution.
  • ✔ Cultural Identity: We value and honor the culture of our community.
  • ✔ Responsibility: We are committed to ensuring the well-being of bees and the environment, to show the population the importance of their care and conservation.
  • ✔ Confidence: We are sure of the quality of our products and our work and with this we seek to inspire confidence in our clients.